Van Zand Consultancy

Missie en Visie

At van Zand consultancy, we create a safe space where people can step out of their comfort zone, dare to be vulnerable, support each other and become stronger together.
We believe that in the long run, this results in a better individual and a better team.
For Businesses

The participants will be touched by real-life stories of Nico’s time on Sint Maarten, including the experiences that he gained from hurricane Irma and Maria, to his experiences with various incidents at a variety of fire brigades in the Netherlands. The dilemmas he faced as a manager — both in dealing with directors and his own colleagues — provide valuable insights that will stimulate and strengthen your team. Additionally, his experiences in the command structures within the fire brigade and police also ensure that the implicit lessons resonate in the practice of the participants.

Project Management

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Free Discovery Session
I’m offering a free 30 minuten discovery call to get aquainted and to explore how I can help you build the life you want to lead.
About Me

Additionally, he loves CrossFit, swimming, and traveling to explore different cultures. To relax, he practices yoga.